Saturday 3 March 2012

Do Anything You Want To

Okay, y'know how I said I like to keep clean?

I LIKE to keep clean, doesn't exactly mean that I do keep clean. On some occasions (eg now) I do have to go without a shower for quite a while. I've been taking short hops mostly, relatively local state freight travel. Will post again once I'm back in civilisation, eh? (Also, got some music on this phone of mine. Good to be travelling with a bit of Thin Lizzy again, makes those journeys last that little bit shorter. Even though I'm a bit low on cash, it was damn well worth it) (Actually, in case you hadn't noticed, the blog's title is a bit of a play on a Thin Lizzy album. I'm a fan, okay? Leave me alone)

Peace out.


  1. Thin... Who?

    Is that one of those anorexic fashion models?

    Have they started moving into singing careers?

    Oh god no!

    1. Ha-ha, you funny bastard.
